I was able to swing by Garden Of The Gods on my lunch break and take a short hike around the largest of the formations. I forgot that the trail itself doesn't come back by that first parking lot and so had to walk along the road to get back. The first photo is from the west side and shows several formations. As you can see they are entirely vertical and tower above the surrounding land. So of my favorites are barely visible in this thumbnail, but it is above the fir tree on the right and are two blade thin sections. I have always thought those looked the coolest.
The second pic is a view from the west side of Pikes Peak. If you notice the Peak is a little blurry, that is because it is blurry. High winds were blowing the snow into the air which obscures a great many photos of the peak with snow on it. Sometimes the winds are blowing so strongly over the top of the peak that you can literally watch the snow being blown thousands of feet away from the mountain.
This last photo I like because of the way the tree on top seemed to line up with the ridge beneath it. And because of the color of the sky. When taking the photo I realized that the tree didn't quite match up with the ridge as I had thought when I went to get in position for it, but a neat photo none the less.
After I got back to work I noticed that my lens wasn't all that clean, but they turned out fine despite that. Actually, the only photo that it really caused a problem in was the first photo, but I cropped it down to get rid of that flaw and I rather like it the way it is now. Gives it that wide angle look.